Published March 31, 2023 | Version,Vol15,Issue3,Article100.pdf
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Comparative Study of Intubating Condition and Duration of Action After Administration of Rocuronium Bromide and Vecuronium Bromide in Abdominal Surgery using a Train of Four

  • 1. Assistant Professor, Department of Anaesthesiology, S.C.B. Medical College, Cuttack, Odisha, India


Background: In this study, we wanted to compare vecuronium bromide and rocuronium bromide using TOF on adductor pollicis muscles with regard to the time of onset, conditions of tracheal intubation, and duration of action. We also wanted to compare the hemodynamic parameters in the patients under anaesthesia where either of the drugs was used to produce muscular paralysis. Methods: This was a hospital-based study conducted among 60 patients who presented with various types of elective abdominal surgical procedures to S.C.B. Medical College & Hospital, Cuttack, Odisha from January 2021 to December 2022 for a period of 2 years, after obtaining clearance from the institutional ethics committee and written informed consent from the study participants. Results: In a comparison of the meantime for the onset of action between the two groups here, the mean (SD) onset of action in group A (Rocuronium) was 98.60 (7.578) sec and group B (Vecuronium) was 154.80 (20.400) sec, which was statistically highly significant (t value -14.145 and P value 0.000). Conclusion: The advantage of Rocuronium, with its early onset of action, along with good to excellent intubating conditions and cardiovascular stability, makes this neuromuscular relaxant a safe and desirable choice for tracheal intubation in surgical procedures requiring general anaesthesia when there is no anticipated difficulty in intubation.




Abstract (English)

Background: In this study, we wanted to compare vecuronium bromide and rocuronium bromide using TOF on adductor pollicis muscles with regard to the time of onset, conditions of tracheal intubation, and duration of action. We also wanted to compare the hemodynamic parameters in the patients under anaesthesia where either of the drugs was used to produce muscular paralysis. Methods: This was a hospital-based study conducted among 60 patients who presented with various types of elective abdominal surgical procedures to S.C.B. Medical College & Hospital, Cuttack, Odisha from January 2021 to December 2022 for a period of 2 years, after obtaining clearance from the institutional ethics committee and written informed consent from the study participants. Results: In a comparison of the meantime for the onset of action between the two groups here, the mean (SD) onset of action in group A (Rocuronium) was 98.60 (7.578) sec and group B (Vecuronium) was 154.80 (20.400) sec, which was statistically highly significant (t value -14.145 and P value 0.000). Conclusion: The advantage of Rocuronium, with its early onset of action, along with good to excellent intubating conditions and cardiovascular stability, makes this neuromuscular relaxant a safe and desirable choice for tracheal intubation in surgical procedures requiring general anaesthesia when there is no anticipated difficulty in intubation.






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