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Published July 10, 2024 | Version v5
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SynCOM: Procedures for Simulating Transient Solar Wind Flows in High Resolution

  • 1. Catholic University of America
  • 2. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
  • 3. ROR icon NSF National Center for Atmospheric Research
  • 4. Southwest Research Institute


SynCOM IDL Procedures

Welcome to the SynCOM IDL procedures repository! This set of procedures allows users to generate high-resolution simulations of transient solar wind flows. Below, you'll find an explanation of the key functions and how to use them.

1. syncomprams

The syncomprams procedure initializes the parameters required to build the SynCOM image.


syncomprams, ModPramsStruct, SYNCOM_N_BLOBS=5000



ModPramsStruct: A structure containing the basic inputs for building the SynCOM image.

SYNCOM_N_BLOBS: Specifies the minimum number of blobs in the image. Default is 1000.


The SYNCOM_LOAD procedure constructs arrays based on ModPramsStruct to initialize and accelerate the image processing.


SYNCOM_LOAD, ModPramsStruct, LoadStruc



ModPramsStruct: The structure with input parameters for the SynCOM image.

LoadStruc: A structure used to store arrays that facilitate faster image processing.


The SYNCOM procedure generates synthetic image sets using the parameters and structures defined previously.


SYNCOM, ModPramsStruct, LoadStruc, syncom_data, syncom_version, time_t, time0,scale_factor



ModPramsStruct: The structure with input parameters for the SynCOM image.

LoadStruc: The structure containing preloaded arrays for faster processing.

syncom_data: The output array that will hold the synthetic image sets.

syncom_version: A string to be used as a prefix in the file names of the generated images.

time_t: The final time for the image sequence.

time0: The initial time for the image sequence.

scale_factor: A scale factor for enlarging blobs and smoothing the background. The standard value is 1.



Here's a complete example of how to use these procedures together:

1. Initialize parameters

syncomprams, ModPramsStruct, SYNCOM_N_BLOBS=5000

2. Load structures for faster processing

SYNCOM_LOAD, ModPramsStruct, LoadStruc

3. Generate synthetic images

SYNCOM, ModPramsStruct, LoadStruc, syncom_data, "test", 100., 0., 2.

This sequence will generate a set of synthetic images with the specified parameters and save them with the prefix "test".



For any questions or further assistance, please feel free to open an issue or contact us directly.



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