Published April 30, 2023 | Version,Vol15,Issue4,Article145.pdf
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The Use of Fine Needle Aspiration Cytology (FNAC) for the Identification of Soft Tissue Cancers and Lesions that Resemble Malignancies

  • 1. Assistant Professor, Department of Pathology, Jannayak Karpoori Thakur Medical College and Hospital, Madhepura, Bihar, India
  • 2. Ex-Tutor, Department of Pathology, Jannayak Karpoori Thakur Medical College and Hospital, Madhepura, Bihar, India


Background: Soft tissue tumors are a diverse category of lesions that develop from the body’s extraskeletal non-epithelial tissue. In a hospital population, benign tumors outnumber malignant ones by a factor of ten. Due to their incredibly diverse shape, it is questionable whether or not soft tissue tumors should be evaluated with fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). The primary objective was to assess the value of FNAC as a standard method for identifying soft tissue cancer, and, 2. To assess the diagnostic precision and relationship between cytomorphological and histomorphological traits. Methods: The cytological examination of FNAC conducted on soft tissue cancers reported to Jannayak Karpoori Thakur Medical College and Hospital, Madhepura in over a 1-year period is the subject of this retrospective study. Evaluation and correlation of the histomorphological characteristics of the biopsies taken with FNAC results. The patient records contained pertinent clinical information that was collected. Results: 172 (91.5%) of the 200 cases of soft tissue tumors examined were benign, 25 (8.1%) were malignant, and 3 (0.4%) were inconclusive. Lipoma and its variations made up the majority of benign tumors (82%), while Pleomorphic sarcoma made up 19.4% of malignant cases. In malignant patients, cytohistomorphological correlation was 99% concordant, and one case that had been initially diagnosed as benign turned out to be malignant after the biopsy. Conclusion: A safe and affordable diagnostic method called FNAC can pretty accurately correlate the histomorphology of soft tissue cancers.




Abstract (English)

Background: Soft tissue tumors are a diverse category of lesions that develop from the body’s extraskeletal non-epithelial tissue. In a hospital population, benign tumors outnumber malignant ones by a factor of ten. Due to their incredibly diverse shape, it is questionable whether or not soft tissue tumors should be evaluated with fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). The primary objective was to assess the value of FNAC as a standard method for identifying soft tissue cancer, and, 2. To assess the diagnostic precision and relationship between cytomorphological and histomorphological traits. Methods: The cytological examination of FNAC conducted on soft tissue cancers reported to Jannayak Karpoori Thakur Medical College and Hospital, Madhepura in over a 1-year period is the subject of this retrospective study. Evaluation and correlation of the histomorphological characteristics of the biopsies taken with FNAC results. The patient records contained pertinent clinical information that was collected. Results: 172 (91.5%) of the 200 cases of soft tissue tumors examined were benign, 25 (8.1%) were malignant, and 3 (0.4%) were inconclusive. Lipoma and its variations made up the majority of benign tumors (82%), while Pleomorphic sarcoma made up 19.4% of malignant cases. In malignant patients, cytohistomorphological correlation was 99% concordant, and one case that had been initially diagnosed as benign turned out to be malignant after the biopsy. Conclusion: A safe and affordable diagnostic method called FNAC can pretty accurately correlate the histomorphology of soft tissue cancers.






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