Published March 17, 2018 | Version 1.1.2
Dataset Open

Listing of data repositories that embed metadata in dataset landing pages


Machine-readable metadata available from landing pages for datasets facilitate data citation by enabling easy integration with reference managers and other tools used in a data citation workflow. Embedding these metadata using the standard with the JSON-LD is emerging as the community standard. This dataset is a listing of data repositories that have implemented this approach or are in the progress of doing so.

This is the first version of this dataset and was generated via community consultation. We expect to update this dataset, as an increasing number of data repositories adopt this approach, and we hope to see this information added to registries of data repositories such as re3data and FAIRsharing.

In addition to the listing of data repositories we provide information of the properties supported by these data repositories, focussing on the required and recommended properties from the "Data Citation Roadmap for Scholarly Data Repositories".



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European Commission
FREYA – Connected Open Identifiers for Discovery, Access and Use of Research Resources 777523