Evaluating the 'Make in India' Program: Strengths, Challenges, and Policy Implications for India's Manufacturing Sector
Abstract: The global COVID-19 pandemic has left an indelible mark on all facets of human existence, from physical and mental health to economic prosperity. Navigating through these unprecedented challenges demands a resilient mindset and the implementation of supportive policies to sustain economic growth. In 2014, India introduced the "Make in India" policy, with the primary objective of strengthening the manufacturing sector and promoting domestic production. In these tumultuous times, it becomes imperative to delve into how such policies can not only survive but also foster growth. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and challenges inherent in the "Make in India" policy, drawing from a wide array of existing literature. The overarching goal of this research is to evaluate whether the policy possesses the dynamic vision required to address unforeseen circumstances, while also acknowledging the existing threats and challenges it confronts. By doing so, we aim to contribute to a deeper understanding of the potential of "Make in India" to serve as a resilient and adaptable framework for economic growth in the face of extraordinary global disruptions.
Keywords: Make in India, SWOC Analysis, Economic Growth, Manufacturing Sector, Domestic Production, Policy Evaluation
JEL Classification Number: M13, L78, O25, O38