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Published July 2, 2024 | Version ecology
Software Open

Jeremy-borderieux/Article_microclim_vosges: V.1 Topography buffer floristic communities


This repository contains the raw dataset and the code used in the study "Topoclimate buffers floristic diversity from macroclimate in temperate mountain forests" currently under review

You can clone this R project to reproduce the Analysis, the results and the figures, we advise you to use R studio and its Git connection.

To rerun the analysis, launch the project thanks to the .rproj file and run the Main_script.r in the scripts folder. There is also a way to reproduce the random sampling and compute the climatic mean of the study region with the scritp in the additional_scripts folder.

Tutorial to getting stated with R studio and git :

The dataset contains microclimatic data also submitted to SoilTemp, remember to credit this study and the SoilTemp database if you plan on using them. The dataset contains community data originating from AgroParisTech studies, please contact the authors if you plan on using them.

We included subsets of the rasters in order to reproduce the figures The analysis was run using R 4.1.1



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