Ammoecius lusitanicus ERICHSON 1848
Ammoecius lusitanicus ERICHSON, 1848: 908; HAROLD 1871: 13.
Aphodius (Ammoecius) lusitanicus: REITTER 1892: 184; d’ORBIGNY 1896: 206; SCHMIDT 1913: 125; SCHMIDT 1922:68; BALTHASAR 1964:81; BARAUD 1971:69; DELLACASA M.1988:156.
Type locality: Portugal.
Type depository: Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt Universität, Berlin.
Description – Length 4.5–5.0 mm. Oblong, moderately convex, shiny, glabrous (Fig. 83). Blackish, elytra dark brownish; clypeal margin brown-reddish; legs brown-reddish with tarsi paler; antennal club testaceous. Head with epistoma strongly gibbous, finely, rather densely and subregularly punctured on disc; punctation somewhat larger and irregular laterally, subrugose in front of distinctanteriortransversecarina.Clypeuswidelysinuateatmiddle,obtuselyroundedatsides,thinly bordered, border feebly upturned anteriorly; genae angulose, shortly ciliate, distinctly protruding more than eyes; frontal suture finely impressed, somewhat gibbous at middle; frons finely, distinctly and subregularly punctured; epipharynx: Fig. 57; apex of corypha: Fig. 58. Pronotum transverse, moderately convex, doubly punctured; large punctures sparser on disc, somewhat denser on sides, fine punctures subregularly sparse throughout; anterior margin finely bordered; sides almost rounded, thinly bordered; hind angles obtusely rounded; base faintly bisinuate, rather thinly bordered. Scutellum regularly triangular, somewhat sunken, basally almost imperceptibly punctured. Elytra moderately convex, slightly broadened posteriorly; epipleural carina almost faint at shoulder; striae rather deep, superficially punctured, faintly crenulate; interstices flat on disc, slightly convex on preapical declivity, almost imperceptibly punctured. Hind tibiae with superior apical spur longer thanfirsttarsalsegment;lattersomewhatshorterthanfollowingthreecombined.Male:pronotumrelatively more transverse, with large punctures sparser on disc; middle tibiae with inferior apical spur very short, stout, obliquely truncate apically; metasternal plate deeply excavate; aedeagus: Figs 59–60. Female: pronotum relatively less transverse, with large punctures denser on disc; middle tibiae with inferior apical spur regularly elongate and acuminate apically; metasternal plate slightly concave.
Distribution: Portugal, Spain, Morocco?, Algeria?
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- Figure: 10.5281/zenodo.12587440 (DOI)
- Figure: 10.5281/zenodo.12587448 (DOI)
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- Journal article: 10.5281/zenodo.12587419 (DOI)
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- Family
- Scarabaeidae
- Genus
- Ammoecius
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Coleoptera
- Phylum
- Arthropoda
- Scientific name authorship
- Species
- lusitanicus
- Taxon rank
- species
- Type status
- holotype
- Taxonomic concept label
- Ammoecius lusitanicus ERICHSON, 1848 sec. DellacaSa & DellacaSa, 2002
- ERICHSON, W. F. (1848) Naturgeschichte der Insecten Deutschlands. I. Coleoptera. Nicolaischen B., Berlin 3 (5): 801 - 968.
- HAROLD, E. (1871) Die Arten der Gattung Ammoecius. Coleopt. Hefte 7: 1 - 20.
- REITTER, E. (1892) Bestimmungs-TabellederLucanidenundcoprophagenLamellicornendespalaearctischen Faunengebietes. Verhandl. Naturfor. Vereins 30: 140 - 262.
- SCHMIDT, A. (1913) Erster Versuch einer Einteilung de exotischen Aphodien in Subgenera und als Anhang einige Neubeschreibungen. Archiv Naturges., Abt. A 79: 117 - 178.
- SCHMIDT, A. (1922) Coleoptera Aphodiinae. (Das Tierreich). 45. W. de Gruyter, Berlin & Leipzig, 614 pp.
- BALTHASAR, V. (1964) Monographie der Scarabaeidae und Aphodiidae der palaearktischen und orientalischen Region. Coleoptera: Lamellicornia. Band 3, Aphodiidae. Verlag der Tschechoslowakischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Praha, 652 pp.
- BARAUD, J. (1971) Revision des Aphodius palearctiques du sous-genre Ammoecius Muls. Bull. Soc. Ent. France 76: 63 - 71.