Published September 2, 2015 | Version v1
Thesis Restricted



  • 1. Balai Bahasa DIY/Jateng
  • 1. Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • 2. Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta


This study aims to describe and explain the five aspects of literary communication systems Trilogy of Gadis Tangsi Novel by Suparto Brata. Five aspects of it is the intention (author), representation (postcolonial), expression (verbal and nonverbal text), reference (thematic ideas), and projections (the reader). The basic concept of the theory used is postcolonial pragmatism (joint between the postcolonial and pragmatics theory). This study belongs to the type of qualitative research. The approach used is a critical approach. Data collected by the technique simak, interviews, and document research. Data validity is tested through triangulation (source, techniques, and theory). Data were analyzed by the method of deconstruction and analysis of content and messaging functions. This research resulted in findings (verbal descriptive) follows. First, from a review of the intentions of the author obtained an explanation that the postcolonial novel written by author deliberately wanted to convey the experience of the past history and culture that was used by the experience of the present generation and future as something meaningful. Second, from a review of postcolonial representation obtained explanation that Trilogy of Gadis Tangsi Novel represent postcolonial aspects, including power relations, identity, mimicry, and resistance. Third, from a review of the text expression obtained explanation that aspects of the postcolonial Trilogy of Gadis Tangsi Novel expressed through verbal form (narrative structure, space, time) and non-verbal (visual image). Fourth, from a review of the idea of thematic references (ideological) obtained explanation that aspects of the postcolonial Trilogy of Gadis Tangsi Novel can be a reference for the emergence of the idea of justice, wisdom, democratization, respect for self and others, dynamic, creative, independent, and national spirit and insight into the future. Fifth, from a review of the projections obtained by the explanation that the ideas in the Trilogy of Gadis Tangsi Novel can be used as a medium projection for exemplary readers to behave, think, and act; and therefore, is suitable for use as a novel teaching materials literature. For the Government of Indonesia, the results of this study can be used as a material consideration in the decision making related to the development of education (teaching) Indonesian language and literature. For managers and lecturers Indonesian Education Studies Program at the College, the results of this study can be used as an input for the development of research lectures and literary criticism. For the Indonesian language and literature teachers, the results of this study can be used as a language of learning materials and the development of Indonesian literature. Finally, for students and college students, the results of this study can be used as a source of learning in order to improve the ability of appreciation and study of literature.



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