Published February 22, 2024 | Version v1
Taxonomic treatment Open

Xiphydria camelus



Xiphydria camelus (Linné, 1758)

Japanese name: Akaashi-kubinaga-kibachi

Material examined. HOKKAIDO: 1♂, Shimizu, 42°58'N 142°50'E, dead standing tree of Cerasus sp., coll. 5. IX. 2019, em. 25. V. 2020, H. Hara; 1 ♀, same data but em. 29. V. 2020; 1♀, same data but em. 31. V. 2020; 1♀, same data but em. 4. VI. 2020; 1 ♀, same data but em. 10. VI. 2020; 1 ♀, same data but em. 13. VI. 2020. HONSHU: Tochigi Pref.: 1 ♀, Shobugahama, Nikko, 26. VI. 2019, S. Maehara.

Distribution. Europe, Russia (Sakhalin), Korea, Japan (Hokkaido, Honshu: Gunma, Tochigi, Yamanashi, Nagano prefectures). New record from Tochigi Prefecture.

Host plant. Rosaceae: Cerasus sp. (new record based on adult emergence). Previous European records with good evidence are Acer campestre, Alnus spp., Betula verrucosa, Ulmus carpinifolia, Quercus, Ostrya carpinifolia, Populus (Schimitschek, 1974). Previous Japanese records for l X. camelus z (e.g., Okutani, 1967) refer to one or more of the three closely related species (Shinohara and Kameda, 2019) and thus need confirmation.

Remarks. There are uncertain European records of lKirschez (Schimitschek, 1974) or Prunus spp. (Eichhorn, 1982; Taeger et al., 1998) as a host plant of X. camelus. Schimitschek (1974) included lKirsche (Rudow, 1878)z in the list of host plants of X. camelus and mentioned lRudow (1888) zog X. camelus aus Weide und Kirschez. However, Rudow (1878, 1888) never referred to lKirschez as a host plant of this species.


Published as part of Bourke, Joanna, 2024, Taxonomic Notes and New Distribution and Host Plant Records for Sawflies and Woodwasps (Hymenoptera, Symphyta) of Japan IX, pp. 19-32 in Bulletin of the National Museum of Nature and Science. Series A, Zoology 50 (1) on page 29, DOI: 10.50826/bnmnszool.50.1_19,


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Collection code
V , VI
Event date
2019-06-26 , 2019-09-05 , 2020-05-29 , 2020-05-31 , 2020-06-04 , 2020-06-10 , 2020-06-13
Scientific name authorship
Taxon rank
Verbatim event date
2019-06-26 , 2019-09-05 , 2020-05-29 , 2020-05-31 , 2020-06-04 , 2020-06-10 , 2020-06-13
Taxonomic concept label
Xiphydria camelus (Linne, 1758) sec. Bourke, 2024


  • Okutani, T. 1967. Food plants of Japanese Symphyta (II). Japanese Journal of Applied Entomology and Zoology 11: 90 - 99 (in Japanese with English summary).
  • Schimitschek, E. 1974. Beitrage zur Okologie von Nadel- baum- und Laubbaum-Holzwespen (Hymenoptera, Siricidae). Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Entomologie 75: 225 - 247.
  • Eichhorn, O. 1982. Familienreihe Siricoidea. In Schwenke, W. (ed.): Die Forstschadlinge Europas, 4, pp. 196 - 231. Paul Parey, Hamburg und Berlin.
  • Taeger, A., E. Altenhofer, S. M. Blank, E. Jansen, M. Kraus, H. Pschorn-Walcher and C. Ritzau 1998. Kom- mentare zur Biologie, Verbreitung und Gefahrdung der Pflanzenwespen Deutschlands (Hymenoptera, Symphyta). In Taeger A. and S. M. Blank (eds.): Pflan- zenwespen Deutschlands (Hymenoptera, Symphyta), Kommentierte Bestandsaufnahme, pp. 49 - 135. Goecke & Evers, Keltern.
  • Rudow, F. 1878. Weitere Beobachtungen an Bienen- nestern. Societas Entomologica 2: 171 - 172.
  • Rudow, F. 1888. Hymenopterologische Mittheilungen. Zeitschrift fur die gesammten Naturwissenschaften 51: 231 - 244.