Published June 1, 2013 | Version V1
Journal article Open

Andrographolide Induced Succinate Dehydrogenase Activity in Isolated Mitochondrial Fractions from Different Organ of BALB/C Mice

  • 1. Sarojini Naidu Government Girls Post Graduate Autonomous College, Bhopal
  • 2. CSA Government PG College, Sehore India


Andrographolide, a bicyclic diterphenoid lactose, extracted from a plant, Andrographis paniculata, is known for its multiple clinical applications in traditional Siddha and Ayurvedic systems in India. Its therapeutic value is perhaps by virtue of its mechanism of action through enzyme induction. The present study is aimed to determine the effects of andrographolide on succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity, in vitro, using mitochondrial fractions isolated from different organs of BALB/c mice.

Administration of andrographolide into mitochondrial fraction of liver, lung and kidney resulted in the induction of SDH. Mitochondrial fraction of lung tissues indicated the maximum SDH acceleratory activity (68.19%) , in vitro, against 50 μ g/ml concentration of andrographolide.


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