Published June 25, 2024
| Version 3.0.0
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IPBES TCA Chapter 1. Analysis of contributions on what transformative change is according to different communities of knowledge / IPBES transformative change assessment
- 1. Ústav výzkumu globální změny Akademie věd České republiky
- 1. Agencia Nacional de Investigación e Innovación
- 2. Universidad de la República Uruguay
- 3. The Alliance of Bioversity International and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture
- 4. University of Twente
The review corresponds to the IPBES transformative change assessment. The IPBES scoping document for the transformative change assessment describes that chapter 1 should explain what transformative change is. The chapter documents the various demands for, and conceptualisations and understandings of transformative change. In this context, a review of contributions provided by different communities of knowledge was conducted and is further described below.