Published May 24, 2018 | Version v1
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Functional efficiency evaluation for the elderly staying in nursing homes


Nowak-Kapusta Zofia, Durmała Jacek, Cieślik Aleksandra, Bąk Ewelina. Functional efficiency evaluation for the elderly staying in nursing homes. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2018;8(6):80-92. eISNN 2391-8306. DOI






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Received: 02.05.2018. Revised: 18.05.2018. Accepted: 24.05.2018.






Functional efficiency evaluation for the elderly staying in nursing homes


Nowak-Kapusta Zofia1, Durmała Jacek2, Cieślik Aleksandra3, Bąk Ewelina4


Department of Health Promotion and Community Nursing1

Chair and Department of Rehabilitation2

Department of Neurological and Psychiatric Nursing3

Faculty of Health Sciences in Katowice,

Medical University of Silesia in Katowice

Department of Nursing, Faculty of Health Sciences University of Bielsko-Biala, ul. Willowa 2, 43-309 Bielsko-Biala4







Background: Demographic prognosis show the elderly population increase. Their level of functional efficiency forecasts whether they should be placed in a nursing home or be hospitalized, what is the risk of their death or what are their chances for a long and happy antiquity.

The aim of the article was functional efficiency evaluation for the people over 65 years old staying in nursing homes. 

Material and Methods: In the research we used an authorial questionnaire and the ADL, IADL and NHPPT scales. 411 people (310 women and 101 men) staying in nursing homes were surveyed, with their average age of 79,4+/-7,7.

Results: Average number of obtained points at ADL scale for 65-74 years was 4,7+/-1,9 point; 75-84 years 4,8+/-1,6 point; 85 years and more 4,0+/-2,0. Average number of obtained points at IADL scale for 65-74 years was 17,8+/-5,3 point; 75-84 years 18,3+/-4,9 point; 85 years and more 15,2+/-4,7. In the test NHPPT the surveyed people obtained the following points: for 65-74 years 18,7+/-6,5 point; 75-84 years 19,5+/-5,0 point; 85 years and more 17,8+/-6,2.

Conclusions: Better efficiency in basic and complex routine activities was typical for men. Efficiency decreases abruptly for both sexes in the oldest group. Worse results in efficiency tests were caused mainly by: age, (85 years and more), widowhood, a considerable grade of disability and depression symptoms.


Key words: functional efficiency, the elderly, ADL, IADL, NHPPT, nursing home



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