Published March 30, 2022 | Version,Vol12,Issue3,Article17.pdf
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Hospital Based Prospective Evaluation of the Functional Visual Assessment, Pattern of Manifestation and Refractive Status of Angle Closure Glaucoma

  • 1. Senior Resident, Department of Opthalmology, Darbhanga Medical College and Hospital, Laheriasarai, Darbhanga, Bihar, India


Aim: Functional Visual Assessment, Pattern of Manifestation and Refractive Status of Angle Closure Glaucoma in Bihar region. Methods: This prospective study was done in the department of Opthalmology, Darbhanga Medical College and Hospital, Laheriasarai, Darbhanga, Bihar, India for 1 year. The patients were informed about the study. For data collection consent was taken from them including their age, gender, occupation, educational qualification etc by face to face interview with the patient in the clinic. Primary Angle closure Glaucoma was defined as an intra ocular pressure of more than 35 mmHg or higher in presence of typical glaucomatous optic disc changes with close angle in Gonioscopy. Result:  Out of 100 respondent 44% were come with tubular field in right eye 19% were advanced field defect, 14% were superior field defect,5% were inferior field defect, 9% were normal cupping and 9% were not possible due to poor vision. In the left eye out of 100 patients 32% were come with tubular field in the left eye at the clinic while 17% were advanced field defect 13% were normal cupping,11% were superior field defect 11% were temporal island of vision , 8% were nasal step and 10% were not possible due to poor vision. Out of 100 patient 52% had tritan defect in right eye and 42% in left eye, 11% deutran defect in right eye and 17% in left eye, 2% protan defect in right and left eye, 4% only blue colour defect in right eye and 2% in left eye, 2% only yellow color defect in right eye and 9% in left eye, 21% normal color vision in right eye and 20% in left eye, rest are not possible due to poor vision. Among the study population the most frequent range of unaided contrast sensitivity in right eye was 0.5-1.00 log units and median was 0.81log units, where the aided contrast sensitivity was 0-0.49 log units and the median was 0.60 which was statistically significant (p>0.00, at 0.1 level). Conclusion: Most of the PACG patient was associated with Hypermetropia. Most of them presented with advanced visual field defect, severe increased in IOP, advanced glaucomatous changes, poor contrast sensitivity and tritan color vision defect in both eyes. Identifying risk factors, early diagnosis, appropriate investigations and proper management in time could prevent the prognosis of the diseases.

Abstract (English)

Aim: Functional Visual Assessment, Pattern of Manifestation and Refractive Status of Angle Closure Glaucoma in Bihar region. Methods: This prospective study was done in the department of Opthalmology, Darbhanga Medical College and Hospital, Laheriasarai, Darbhanga, Bihar, India for 1 year. The patients were informed about the study. For data collection consent was taken from them including their age, gender, occupation, educational qualification etc by face to face interview with the patient in the clinic. Primary Angle closure Glaucoma was defined as an intra ocular pressure of more than 35 mmHg or higher in presence of typical glaucomatous optic disc changes with close angle in Gonioscopy. Result:  Out of 100 respondent 44% were come with tubular field in right eye 19% were advanced field defect, 14% were superior field defect,5% were inferior field defect, 9% were normal cupping and 9% were not possible due to poor vision. In the left eye out of 100 patients 32% were come with tubular field in the left eye at the clinic while 17% were advanced field defect 13% were normal cupping,11% were superior field defect 11% were temporal island of vision , 8% were nasal step and 10% were not possible due to poor vision. Out of 100 patient 52% had tritan defect in right eye and 42% in left eye, 11% deutran defect in right eye and 17% in left eye, 2% protan defect in right and left eye, 4% only blue colour defect in right eye and 2% in left eye, 2% only yellow color defect in right eye and 9% in left eye, 21% normal color vision in right eye and 20% in left eye, rest are not possible due to poor vision. Among the study population the most frequent range of unaided contrast sensitivity in right eye was 0.5-1.00 log units and median was 0.81log units, where the aided contrast sensitivity was 0-0.49 log units and the median was 0.60 which was statistically significant (p>0.00, at 0.1 level). Conclusion: Most of the PACG patient was associated with Hypermetropia. Most of them presented with advanced visual field defect, severe increased in IOP, advanced glaucomatous changes, poor contrast sensitivity and tritan color vision defect in both eyes. Identifying risk factors, early diagnosis, appropriate investigations and proper management in time could prevent the prognosis of the diseases.



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