Published June 24, 2024 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Experimental study on a fin-plate connection under a column-loss event

  • 1. ROR icon Norwegian University of Science and Technology


This paper investigates the performance of fin-plate connections exposed to a column-loss scenario. For the experimental investigation, quasi-static and dynamic tests were carried out on an assembly of short steel sections. The dimensions of the cross-sections were chosen such, that bearing resistance in the beam web provided the least resistance, resulting in a ductile failure mode. The experimental study showed consistent deformations at low and high loading rates, with shear-out failure being the main failure mode. Additionally, a numerical model in Abaqus was used to analyse the load transfer in the connection. It was found that the arching forces due to contact between the beam flange and the column flange significantly increased the resistance of the connection. However, the tested fin-plate connection exhibited low energy absorption and would therefore perform poorly in the event of a column-loss.


221-Experimental study on a fin-plate connection under a column-loss event.pdf

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