Published May 1, 2018 | Version v1
Figure Open

A Facial Motion Capture System Based on Neural Network Classifier Using RGB-D Data-Figure 6. Proposed feed-forward neural network classifier

  • 1. Computer Engineering Department, Yazd University, Iran


After the feature extraction stage, neural network is used for classifying the modes. In this study, the utilized expressions are normal, smiling, open mouth, rising the eyebrows, anger and pursing modes. In fact, they are some selective modes for face movements. It should be noted that the modes can be increased but in this case we work with these six modes. This paper used three layers feed-forward neural network (Figure 6). The proposed neural network includes 800 nodes for the input layer (400 nodes for U matrix and 400 nodes for V matrix), 100 nodes for the hidden layer and 6-nodes for output layer. From the collected data 70% are used for training, 15% for validation and the last 15% are used to evaluate the neural network.



A Facial Motion Capture System Based on Neural fig (6).png

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