Published June 21, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Twenty years of ecosystem services research in Bulgaria: lessons learned and future directions from a geographical perspective

  • 1. National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography - Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria


The ecosystem services (ES) concept has established itself in recent years as the predominant paradigm for framing environmental research and policy-making. The EU Biodiversity Strategy to 2020 with its task for member countries to map and assess the state of ecosystems and their services has contributed vastly to the development of the ES studies in the European countries. Bulgaria was among the countries that made substantial progress in its implementation and the contribution of the geographers was of vital importance. This paper aims to provide an overview and analysis of the ES research in Bulgaria focusing on the contributions of the geographers and the spatial aspects of the studies. The information on the ES research was performed through a literature review by collecting all available published works that address the main objectives of the study. To systematize and characterize the content of the reviewed papers, a special database with a standard nomenclature was constructed. The findings from the review allowed us to identify both achievements and research gaps in the ES studies conducted by Bulgarian geographers. This enabled us to define the main research priorities of the coming years which can trace the future directions of ES research in the country. They include the development of the spatial aspects in the methodological frameworks for mapping and assessment of ES, better use of GIS-based tools for mapping ES alongside models' integration, and improvement of the publication's quality and increase of the papers published in highly rated indexed journals.



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