Published May 7, 2018 | Version v1.0.0
Software Restricted

Supporting code: Exposure measurement error when assessing current glucocorticoid use using UK primary care electronic prescription data (Pharmaoepi Drug Saf 2018, accepted)

  • 1. UoM


This code is a modified version of the DrugPrep algorithm (see that was developed to support a specific analysis (exposure measurement error when assessing current glucocorticoid use) and is shared for replication purposes only.    

Paper: Joseph RM, van Staa TP, Lunt M et al. Exposure measurement error when assessing current glucocorticoid use using UK primary care electronic prescription data. Pharmaoepi Drug Saf 2018 (accepted).



The development of the original DrugPrep algorithm was supported by the Arthritis Research UK Centre for Epidemiology (grant 20380) Contributions to DrugPrep v1.0.0-v2.0.0: Mark Lunt (design & implemention of code), Stephen Pye (design & implementation of code) Mohammad Movahedi (design and implementation of code), Ruth Costello (bug fixes), Rebecca Joseph (data curation), Kamilla Kopec-Harding (data curation), William G Dixon (principal investigator/conceptualisation/funding) The original DrugPrep code was extended and modified by Rebecca Joseph to produce the code published separately here.



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This modified version of the DrugPrep code is made available to bonafide researchers for the purposes of replicating/exploring  the results of the following paper: 

Joseph RM, van Staa TP, Lunt M et al. Exposure measurement error when assessing current glucocorticoid use using UK primary care electronic prescription data. Pharmaoepi Drug Saf 2018 (accepted).

If you would like to obtain the original DrugPrep code in your research, please visit:


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