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Published April 27, 2018 | Version v1
Other Open

Fat pig (MelaTAMP storyboards)

  • 1. Humboldt-Universtität zu Berlin


This is one of five storyboards has been created by Kilu von Prince as part of the MelaTAMP project at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. It targets the difference between specific and unspecific expressions.

This package contains:
- 17 pdf files with the individual pictures for the fat pig storyboard.
- One tex file for compiling the pictures into one story, including subtitles in Bislama, Daakaka and English.
- One pdf of the compiled storyboard with subtitles in English.
- One svg file containing most of the elements used to create the pictures (in Inkscape).

It is published under a cc by 4.0 license

If you use (any part of) this work please cite as instructed on the zenodo site.

For instructions on how to work with storyboards, I recommend:

Strang Burton and Lisa Matthewson. Targeted construction storyboards in semantic fieldwork. In Ryan Bochnak and Lisa Matthewson, editors, Methodologies in Semantic Fieldwork, pages 135–156. Oxford University Press, 2015.


Funded by DFG (project number 273640553)


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