Published April 23, 2018 | Version v1
Journal article Open



An analysis of the development in science of the phenomenon of creation and
its modern interpretation is presented, and the dynamic essence of the nature of
creation is described. It is determined that among the modern positions of scientists
in relation to the nature of creativity distinguish two approaches.
The first-creativity is an activity for creating new socially significant values;
the second approach is associated with creativity with the self-realization of man,
with the development of the motivation of her creative activity. It is noted that
creativity is understood first of all the process of creating a new, useful product.
Three psychological approaches to the definition of creativity are substantiated:
biological, etymological and holistic.
The concept of «creativity» in pedagogical literature is presented as productive
human activity, capable of generating qualitatively new material and spiritual values
of social significance.
Development of creative potential of activity is an important condition of
cultural progress of society and education of a person. It is emphasized that at all
levels of modern school one should pay attention to the formation of deep and strong
knowledge systems for students, to maximize the stimulation of independent activity
of students, to the development of sustainable creative interests, the focus of creative
quest, and perseverance while performing creative tasks.
The peculiarity of any creative process is that not only the person influences
the result of his own creativity, but also the subject of creativity contributes to the
further creative development of man. The obtained theoretical results of the study are
considered and methodological and value criteria necessary for understanding
existing pedagogical practices in the development of creativity in children, as well as
for substantiation of specific methods of forming creativity in modern conditions.
It is noted that actualization of students creative activity is one of the main
pedagogical tasks of the present. Its implementation is slowed down due to the
inadequate study of the problem. In connection with this there are no systematic
pedagogical influences, means and complexity of conditions under which the quality
of creative activity is ensured.


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