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Published December 30, 2015 | Version v1
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Effect of salt content in slurry ice on quality of fresh and thawed Atlantic mackerel (Scomber scombrus)


Markmið tilraunarinnar var að bæta aðferðir við kælingu og geymslu á ferskum afurðum í því skyni að bæta gæði frystra makrílafurða. Samanburður var gerður á kælingu í hefðbundnum ískrapa og saltbættum ískrapa. Með því að bæta salti í ískrapann var vonast til að lækka mætti hitastig fersks makríls og viðhalda þannig gæðum hans lengur. Ferski makríllinn var geymdur í allt að sjö daga frá veiðum. Annað markmið rannsóknarinnar var að kanna hvort þessu mismunandi kæling á ferskum makríl hefur áhrif á gæðarýrnun frystra makrílafurða.

Niðurstöðurnar sýndu að hitastigdreifing í kerunum var í samhengi við saltstyrk þar sem lægra hitastig fékkst í keri með hærra saltinnihaldi (3,3%). Aftur á móti hafði frostgeymslan mun meiri á áhrif á gæðaþætti eins of ferskleika og los makrílafurðanna samanborið við áhrif forkælingar, þar sem áhrif mismunandi saltstyrks í ískrapanum var hverfandi m.t.t. þessara gæðaþátta. 

The present experiment is part of the research project - Increased value of mackerel through systematic chilling. The aim of this study was to improve methods of chilling and storing of fresh products in order to obtain better quality of frozen mackerel products. This project was carried out to develop slurry ice mixture with addition of extra salt, with the intention of temperature decrease during chill storage up to seven days after catch. Secondary objective of this research was to investigate if different chilling condition of fresh fish has an effect on the quality assignment of long-term frozen mackerel products.  

The results showed that temperature distribution in the tubs was correlated to the salt concentration where lower temperature was obtained in the tub with higher salt content (3.3%). Furthermore, freshness, gaping and peritoneum deterioration have been affected by the storage process but not by different salt concentration in slurry ice during chilled storage. Due to high quality variation within the same group of the mackerel is needed to conduct more methods for quality evaluation such as oxidation analysis and sensory analysis. 


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