Published April 10, 2018 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Review of Emissions from Smouldering Peat Fires

  • 1. Imperial College London


The file contains two table compilations of up-to-date inter-study of peat fire gas and particle emission factors (EFs) found in the scientific literature, both from laboratory and field studies. According to the geographical origins of the peat used in fire emission studies, we classified the samples into two categories: boreal and temperate peat (we merge these two climate zones into one category owing to the limited sampling location information reported in the literature), and tropical peat. By doing this,  the best estimate peat fire EFs were calculated and compared between the two peat categories for the first time. It is hoped that the complied peat fire EFs can be used to improve the estimation of the total peat fire emission. 

This data was analysed in our journal paper paper:
Y. Hu, N. Fernandez-Anez, T. E. L. Smith, G. Rein, Review of Emissions from Smouldering Peat Fires and Their Contribution to Regional Haze Episodes, International Journal of Wildland Fire, 2018 (in press), DOI:10.1071/WF17084. 


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10.1071/WF17084 (DOI)


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