Published July 10, 2015 | Version v1
Journal article Open

Optimal monetary policy with heterogeneous money holdings

  • 1. Eief, University of Sassari, Italy
  • 2. Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond, United States
  • 3. University of Sassari, Italy


Abstract. We study the optimal anticipated policy in a pure-currency economy with flexible prices and a non- degenerate distribution of money holdings. The economy features a business cycle and lump-sum monetary injections have distributional effects that depend on the state of the cycle. We parsimoniously characterize the dynamics of the economy and study the optimal regulation of the money supply as a function of the state under commitment. The optimal policy prescribes monetary expansions in recessions, when insurance is most needed by the cash-poor unproductive agents. Conversely, the optimal policy prescribes monetary contractions during booms, so that the inflationary effect of the occasional expansions is undone.



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MEF – The macroeconomic effects of microeconomic inaction 324008
European Commission