Spatial aggregation and seedling survival of the Borneo Ironwood (Eusideroxylon zwageri)
- 1. Imperial College London
This dataset was collected by the Imperial College London MRes Tropical Forest Ecology Field Course as a group project in Maliau Basin. Fieldwork was carried out on 29 Jan - 1 Feb 2018. A 4-ha plot was set up to assess the spatial aggregation of the Borneo Ironwood (Eusideroxylon zwageri, local name Belian) and seedling survival. All trees with DBH >1cm were mapped with XY coordinate rounded to nearest 1m. DBH class was rounded down to the nearest 10cm, e.g. size 10, 20, 30 etc. Size class 1 refers to trees with DBH between 1 and 10cm. A swamp area on the north and northeast of ~1-ha was not assessible hence data defficient, but as Belian is not known to growth in water logged conditions the species was presumed to be absent in this swamp area. Belian seedlings were surveyed in 540 5x5m subplots in the centre zone of the 4-ha plot. In each seedling plot, healthy and damaged (primarily herbivory damage by mammals, defined as damaged when top shoot, i.e. apical meristem, was missing). Other variables recorded in seedling plots include slope angle and ground vegetation cover.