Published June 18, 2024 | Version v1
Publication Open

Policy Playbook for co-creation of educational practices


What is this playbook?

Similar to playbooks leading players in a game, a policy playbook flexibly guides stakeholders in different contexts, such as higher education. A policy playbook offers guidance in policy development and encourages their own interpretations for their specific contexts. It lets policy developers “play” and experiment with ways of creating and implementing policies.

It empowers policy makers to involve representative voices of all stakeholders in their organisations to be involved in different ways at different stages of the policy-making process. A playbook is a resource full of creative ideas how to engage stakeholders and navigate the process of policy development. Collaboration happens at each stage with stakeholders contributing to and taking ownership of the policy, which enables them to achieve positive change in their organisation.


Lessner-Listiakova, et al, Policy Playbook for Co-Creation of Educational Practices.pdf