Thermolysin dataset collected with the helical scheme implemented in HEBI in the ZOO system
Thermolysin is used as a standard crystal for evaluation of the automated data collection system ZOO developed at SPring-8 BL32XU.
Both edges of a crystal with size of 30×30×220 µm3 were automatically defined using 2(width)×15(height) µm2 beam.
After dose estimation with KUMA by using the crystal size, other X-ray parameters and data collection parameters, shutter-less helical data collection was applied along the 3D vector consisted by the defined both crystal edges.
The intended absorbed dose for data collection was set to 8 MGy.
The crystals belonged to space group P6122 with unit cell parameters a=b=93.0, c=129.5, alpha,beta=90 gamma=120.
Data was processed up to 1.46 Å resolution in the published result (Hirata et al. accepted) using KAMO.
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