Published June 18, 2024 | Version v1
Report Open

Comparative Report on Sustainable Education in Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Europe


Greenhive is a Cooperation partnership in the Vocational Education and Training (VET) field co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. Implemented by a consortium of five entities; the Technological University of the Shannon: Midlands Midwest (Ireland), the companies Lascò (Italy) and Femxa (Spain), and the non-profit and non-governmental organisations KEAN (Greece) and Team 4 Excellence (Romania). The project aims to increase the capacity of VET providers to prepare learners for the green transition by developing a European platform-based ecosystem for sustainability education called the "Green Hive".  


There is broad agreement from all respondents that SE is increasing in popularity but that its delivery is not sufficient. Teacher/trainer education is needed, and training is considered the biggest growth challenge to the expansion of the sector.  Challenges in this area include insufficient funds/resources for training, and insufficient expertise to increase the numbers of staff with appropriate skills and experience. In relation to priority training needs, increasing knowledge and skills is identified as being of critical importance.     

This report offers an introductory document to inform the development of a "Methodological Framework", a "Toolkit for the setup and management of Green Combs", "Educational resources for Green Combs", the "Green Hive" platform based on the results of the extensive research. 


GreenHive Comparative report _v3_ECFINAL.pdf

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