Published February 27, 2018 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Spatial capture-recapture data of the Darwin's frog

  • 1. Ranita de Darwin NGO


These data and code are intentended to serve as complementary information to allow the full reproducibility of the results presented in the study "Natal dispersal is facilitated by routine movements integrated along a straight path in the Darwin’s frog" submitted to Ecography.

The first file titled "data and code used to run the sCJS.rar" contains capture-recapture data from three populations of the Darwin's frog (Rhinoderma darwinii) collected between March 2014 and December 2016. The age of the individuals, population of origin, and x- and y-coordinates of each capture are provided. The x- and y-coordinates are in meters. The sampling design follows the Pollock's robust design. The capture-history matrices (one for the x-coordinates and another for the y-coordinates) contain 48 columns representing twelve evenly distributed primary capture periods, each one composed of four consecutive days of capture (secondary capture ocassions). The time-period between primary capture periods is 3 months. However, note that we did not visited the populations during all these periods, therefore, some of collumns contain only NA's. The rows of the capture-history matrices represent the different individuals that were captured across the study. There are 370 rows, but for seven of these individuals we don't have spatial data (these individuals are removed in the code). Then we provide the R code used to run the sCJS of Schaub and Royle (2014). This code is almost identical to the provided by these authors, but a few modifications were made in order to fit our study design. Results of the model are also provided.

The second file "Data required to run the simulation model.rar" contains the data required to run the movement path simulation model presented in the Supplementary material, Appendix 2 of the paper. Further details about these files and model can be found in the article.

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