Published February 26, 2018 | Version v1
Dataset Restricted


  • 1. Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, University of Tokyo


These data are a set of 5y simulations with the atmospheric component of the MIROC5.2 model. Berry (1968) and Khairoutdinov and Kogan (2000) auto-conversion schemes are employed to conduct preindustrial (PI, aerosol emission at the year 1850) and present-day (PD, aerosol emission at the year 2000) simulations. A subset of experiments with fixed cloud number concentration (3.0x107 m-3) for wet-scavenging of aerosol, with KK00 auto-conversion, is also included. 

The data are used in the manuscript titled "Exploring a dichotomy between process-based constraint and energy-balance requirement on aerosol-cloud interaction in a climate model". 




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The data are now for peer-review only. After the paper is published, they can be accessed by contacting the corresponding authors.

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