Published June 1, 2012 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Wireless Interactive Sensor Platform for Real-Time Audio-Visual Experience


WIS platform is a wireless interactive sensor platform de-signed to support dynamic and interactive applications. The platform consists of a capture system which includes multi-ple on-body Zigbee compatible motion sensors, a processing unit and an audio-visual display control unit. It has a com-plete open architecture and provides interfaces to interact with other user-designed applications. Therefore, WIS plat-form is highly extensible. Through gesture recognitions by on-body sensor nodes and data processing, WIS platform can offer real-time audio and visual experiences to the users. Based on this platform, we set up a multimedia installation that presents a new interaction model between the partic-ipants and the audio-visual environment. Furthermore, we are also trying to apply WIS platform to other installations and performances.



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