There is a newer version of the record available.

Published February 16, 2018 | Version 0.3.2
Software Open

PIConGPU 0.3.2: Phase Space Momentum, ADIOS One-Particle Dumps & Field Names


Phase Space Momentum, ADIOS One-Particle Dumps & Field Names This release fixes a bug in the phase space plugin which derived a too-low momentum bin for particles below the typical weighting (and too-high for above it). ADIOS dumps crashed on one-particle dumps and in the name of on-the-fly particle-derived fields species name and field name were in the wrong order. The plugins libSplash (1.6.0) and PNGwriter (0.6.0) need exact versions, later releases will require a newer version of PIConGPU.

Please refer to our ChangeLog for a full list of features, fixes and user interface changes before getting started.

Thanks to Axel Huebl, René Widera, Sergei Bastrakov and Sebastian Hahn for contributing to this release!



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EUCALL – European Cluster of Advanced Laser Light Sources 654220
European Commission


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  • L. V. Keldysh (1965). Ionization in the field of a strong electromagnetic wave.
  • D. Bauer and P. Mulser (1999). Exact field ionization rates in the barrier-suppression regime from numerical time-dependent Schrödinger-equation calculations. DOI:10.1103/PhysRevA.59.569
  • A. Huebl et al. (2015). openPMD 1.0.0 - A meta data standard for particle and mesh based data. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.33624