Published February 12, 2018 | Version v1
Project deliverable Open

ATLAS Deliverable 5.1 Inventory of Ecosystem Services

  • 1. NUI Galway
  • 2. Artic University of Norway
  • 3. University of Edinburgh
  • 4. IMAR University of the Azores


The objective of this report is to provide an inventory of ecosystem services found in the network of 12 ATLAS case study areas spanning the Atlantic, along with blue growth potential in these areas. To achieve this, the report includes a discussion on ecosystem service frameworks, a catalogue of ecosystems goods and services for the case study areas using both the MA and CICES frameworks and blue growth potential. Two frameworks are used to catalogue the ecosystem services – the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment (MA) to include supporting services provided by the deep sea, and the CICES framework in order to set the scene for future valuation of ecosystem services in the case study areas. The catalogue is informed through a review of the literature, a survey of experts and outputs from other WPs. The outcome of this report will be the foundation for the monetary evaluation framework to be delivered later in the project.


D5.1 Inventory of Ecosystem Services in Case Study Areas.pdf

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ATLAS – A Trans-AtLantic Assessment and deep-water ecosystem-based Spatial management plan for Europe 678760
European Commission