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Published June 13, 2024 | Version full_dataset_v0
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modelforge curated dataset: ANI-2x

  • 1. ROR icon Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center


Curated ANI-2x Dataset:

Full dataset, version "full_dataset_v0":

This provides a curated hdf5 file for the ANI-2x dataset designed to be compatible with modelforge, an infrastructure to implement and train NNPs.  This dataset contains 9,651,712 total conformers, for 16514 unique entries (note, conformers are paritioned into entries based on the array of atomic species appearing in sequence in the source data file). 

When applicable, the units of properties are provided in the datafile,  encoded as strings compatible with the openff-units package.  For more information about the structure of the data file, please see the following:

This curated dataset was generated using the modelforge software at commit c5c7153:


Source Dataset:

The ANI-2x data set includes properties for small organic molecules that contain H, C, N, O, S, F, and Cl. This dataset contains 9651712 conformers. This data was generated with the wB97X/631Gd level of theory used in the original ANI-2x paper, calculated using Gaussian 09.


ANI-2x publication:

  • Devereux, C, Zubatyuk, R., Smith, J. et al. "Extending the applicability of the ANI deep learning molecular potential to sulfur and halogens." Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 16.7 (2020): 4192-4202.

Source dataset, released with CC Attribution 4.0 International license:


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Related works

Is derived from
Dataset: 10.5281/zenodo.10108942 (DOI)
Is described by
Journal article: 10.1021/acs.jctc.0c00121 (DOI)


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