Published June 12, 2024 | Version v1
Conference paper Open

Game-Based Learning – an Innovative Approach to Pedagogy

  • 1. ROR icon University of Technology, Mauritius


  • 1. ROR icon FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts
  • 2. ROR icon University of Pretoria


The field of education is always evolving, driven by continuous tech-nological developments and profound insights into pedagogy. Game-based learning (GBL) is a prominent breakthrough that is prevalent in this field. The integration of gaming elements with educational content is rapidly gaining pop-ularity, resulting in enhanced learning experiences and outcomes. Game-based learning, particularly in the context of higher education, offers an appealing de-viation from traditional instructional methods. It fosters an educational setting that is engaging, immersive, and captivating, diverging from the monotonous routine. This approach aligns not just with the technological proficiency and preferences of modern learners but also with emerging theories in the fields of educational psychology and cognitive science. These theories support the idea that cognitive and psychological outcomes can be significantly enhanced through the use of dynamic learning techniques. The objective of this conceptu-al paper is to critically examine the existing literature on the psychological and cognitive advantages of incorporating game-based learning in the context of higher education. This paper aims to thoroughly examine the complexities of this learning approach, encompassing its definition, various varieties, and im-plementation from existing literature. Furthermore, its objective is to provide explanations for its advantageous effects on the mind and psychology, reveal the inherent difficulties and limitations it possesses, and offer suggestions for its successful application. Moreover, this will establish a foundation for subsequent investigations, promoting a more comprehensive understanding of the signifi-cant impact that game-based learning has on tertiary education.



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