Published June 7, 2024 | Version v1
Other Open

Base4NFDI - Requirements for Completion of Initialisation Phase

  • 1. ROR icon Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB)


Project member:


Base4NFDI is a joint initiative within NFDI (National Research Data Infrastructure Germany), a bottom-up and cross-disciplinary effort to improve research data management and building on 26 communities organised in consortia. Base4NFDI creates a framework for a user-driven and quality-assured portfolio of basic services. It builds on existing solutions that are interoperable with the EOSC infrastructure and follow its guidelines.

Once a potential basic service has passed the formal acceptance criteria, it enters the initialisation phase. Several steps need to be taken and documented to complete this phase.

This document guides teams through the requirements of the initialisation phase by providing a common framework, explaining the support options provided by Base4NFDI and describing the mandatory documentation to be produced.


Requirements for Completion of Initialisation Phase.pdf

Files (164.1 kB)