Coelorinchus kamoharai Matsubara 1943
- 1. Section of Ichthyology, California Academy of Sciences, 55 Music Concourse Drive, San Francisco, CA 94118, USA;
- 2. Laboratory of Marine Biology, Faculty of Science, Kochi University, 2 - 5 - 1 Akebono-cho, Kochi, 780 - 8073, Japan;
- 3. Research Center for Biodiversity, Academia Sinica No. 128, Sec. 2, Academia Road, Nankang, Taipei 115, Taiwan;
Coelorinchus kamoharai Matsubara, 1943
Coelorhynchus kamoharai Matsubara, 1943:136, fig. 4 (holotype, FAKU 2498 [apparently lost], Kumano-Nada, Japan; paratypes, FAKU 1593–1596 [4], 2496 [1], and 4 other unnumbered lots of 1, 3, 3 and 2 specimens, respectively [apparently lost]).— Okamura, 1970:159–161, text-fig. 64, pl. I, fig. b (111 spec., 115–284 TL; s. Japan)
Coelorinchus kamoharai: Okamura in Masuda et al., 1984:97.— Iwamoto, 1990:164–165, fig. 382 (compiled).— Yatou in Okamura and Kitajima, 1984:221 (fig. 157 on p. 220), 365 (10 spec.; East China Sea [Okinawa Trough], s. Japan, Taiwan; 220–400 m).— Shen et al., 1993:169 (descr.).— Shao et al., 2008: table 2 (6 spec., NET, 100–650 m).
Caelorinchus kamoharai: Chiou et al., 2004b:47 (list).
MATERIAL EXAMINED (9 spec.).— NET: ASIZP 61336 (4, 158–211 TL), Da-xi; ASIZP 65796 (1, 176 TL), Da-xi; ASIZP 66336 (1, 221 TL), Nan-Fang-Ao; CAS 56041 (1, 152 TL), Dong-gang; NMMST-P (1, 172 TL), Hsiao-liu-chiu. Other specimens: ASIZP 67947 (1, 190 TL), Aurora, 269– 277 m.
DISTINGUISHING FEATURES.— 1D II, 8–10; P i15–i19; GR-I (inner) 9–12 total; scale below midbase 1D 3.5–4.0, below 2D 4.5–5.0; pyl.caeca 7–13. Snout sharply pointed, length 31–37% HL, anterolateral margin snout incompletely supported by bone; orbit 24–29% HL; upper jaw 28–34% HL. Nasal fossa and broad areas anteriorly and laterally atop snout naked; underside of head naked except along anterolateral margin of snout where scales broadly overlap edge; underside of head covered with unpaired black papillae; spinules on body scales short, broad based, in irregularly quincunx order. Light organ long, extends forward to near isthmus, Group IV. Dorsum brownish gray with irregular darker blotches, remainder of body silvery; chest and area around periproct and anal-fin origin blackish or dark; fins dusky; median nasal process black; mouth and gill cavities white; gular and branchiostegal membranes heavily peppered, but underside of snout covered with hair-like black papillae. Attains at least 284 mm TL.
DISTRIBUTION.— Southern Japan, East China Sea, ne. Taiwan, and Philippines, in depths of 100–650 m. The Philippine specimen represents the southernmost record of the species.
REMARKS.— Coelorinchus kamoharai is closely similar to C. multispinulosus, C. formosanus, and C. longissimus, but differs from them in its body markings; in addition, C. multispinulosus has slender, dense scale spinules on body scales and sparse, paired papillae under the head, C. formosanus has scales posteriorly on underside of head; and C. longissimus has scale spinules arranged in definite rows, small scales on nasal fossa, and underside of snout almost immaculate. Five paratypes (FAKU 1593–1596 and 2496) were rediscovered by one or us (NN) from the FAKU collection.
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- Journal article: 10.5281/zenodo.11512126 (DOI)
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- Collection code
- Family
- Macrouridae
- Genus
- Coelorinchus
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Material sample ID
- ASIZP 61336 , ASIZP 65796 , ASIZP 66336 , ASIZP 67947 , CAS 56041
- Order
- Gadiformes
- Phylum
- Chordata
- Scientific name authorship
- Matsubara
- Species
- kamoharai
- Taxon rank
- species
- Taxonomic concept label
- Coelorinchus kamoharai Matsubara, 1943 sec. Iwamoto, Nakayama, Shao & Table, 2015
- MATSUBARA, K. 1943. Ichthyological annotations from the depth of the Sea of Japan, VIII-IX. The Journal of the Sigenkagaku Kenkyusyo 1 (2): 131 - 152.
- OKAMURA, O. 1970. Fauna Japonica, Macrourina (Pisces). Academic Press, Tokyo, Japan. 216 p.
- MASUDA, H., K. AMAOKA, C. ARAGA, T. UYENO, AND T. YOSHINO. 1984. The fishes of the Japanese Archipelago. Tokai University Press, Tokyo, Japan. 437 pp., 370 pls.
- IWAMOTO, T. 1990. Family Macrouridae. Pages 90 - 317 in D. M. Cohen, T. Inada, T. Iwamoto, and N. Scialabba, FAO Species Catalogue. Vol. 10. Gadiform fishes of the world (Order Gadiformes). An annotated and illustrated catalogue of cods, hakes, grenadiers and other gadiform fishes known to date. FAO Fisheries Synopsis no. 125. FAO, Rome, Italy. 442 pp.
- SHEN, S. - C., S. - C. LEE, K. - T. SHAO, H. - C. MOK, C. - H. CHEN, C. - C. CHEN, C. - S. TZENG, EDS. 1993. Fishes of Taiwan. National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan. 960 pp. (In Chinese.)
- SHAO, K. - T., T. IWAMOTO, H. - C. HO, T. - Y. CHEN, AND C. - Y. CHEN. 2008. Species composition and distribution pattern of grenadiers (family Bathygadidae, Macrouridae and Macrouroididae) from Taiwan. Pages 17 - 29 in A. Orlov and T. Iwamoto, eds., Grenadiers of the World Oceans: Biology, Stock Assessment, and Fisheries. American Fisheries Society, Symposium 63, Bethesda, Maryland, USA. 484 pp.
- CHIOU, M. - L, K. - T. SHAO, AND T. IWAMOTO. 2004 b. A new species, Caelorinchus sheni, and 19 new records of grenadiers (Pisces: Gadiformes: Macrouridae) from Taiwan. Zoological Studies 43: 35 - 50.