Published June 6, 2024
| Version v1
ATLAS OmniFold 24-Dimensional Z+jets Open Data
These datasets contain the unbinned, twenty-four-dimensional ATLAS Z+jets differential cross-section measurement presented in CERN-EP-2024-132. The measurements are presented as Pandas DataFrames in HDF5 format, and they are accompanied by MC predictions formatted as Numpy arrays. Measurements are provided both for "pseudo-data", i.e. a validation MC sample with truth- and reco-level quantities that has been reweighted to match data, as well as real data.
Important: Before using this data, please consult the documentation & example notebooks.
The signal process is inclusive Z→μμ production with a fiducial region defined in the boosted regime: p_T^μμ > 200 GeV.
In total, 24 Z+jets kinematic observables are measured:
- p_T, η, and ϕ of each of the two muons (6 observables)
- The p_T and rapidity of the dimuon system: p_T^μμ, y^μμ (2 observables)
- The 4-momenta (p_T, y, ϕ, m) of the two leading charged particle jets (8 observables)
- The number of (charged) constituents and n-subjettiness quantities τ_1, τ_2, and τ_3 for each of the same two jets (8 observables)
The dimuon system p_T and y can be obtained from the muon kinematics, but they are included for convenience. The observables are labeled by 1 and 2 for leading and subleading in p_T, respectively.
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- Is documented by
- Preprint: arXiv:2405.20041 (arXiv)
- Repository URL
- Programming language
- Python
- Development Status
- Active