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Published August 22, 2024 | Version v3
Report Open

Assessment of Timelines for Future Sea Level Rise and Associated Impacts for Kiribati


In this technical report, the NASA Sea Level Change Team (N-SLCT) assesses the available observations and latest scientific understanding to provide information on future sea level rise and associated impacts for Kiribati. An objective of the analysis is to provide context for future scenarios of sea level rise by assessing the rate and drivers of ongoing sea level rise. The focus of the report is on providing updated timelines for increasing sea level and coastal flooding, following the scientific consensus of the IPCC 6th Assessment Report. This report is non-prescriptive and is not intended to be directive. It is intended as a foundational document that contains the latest scientific understanding of sea level and impacts for Kiribati.


Recommended Citation

NASA Sea Level Change Team, (2024) Assessment of Sea Level Rise and Associated Impacts for Kiribati, N-SLCT-2024-02 Technical Report, pp 18. Doi: 10.5281/zenodo.11480738.


Assessment of Sea Level Rise and Associated Impacts for Kiribati_Final.pdf

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