Published June 4, 2024 | Version v1
Journal article Open



Trust is important for there to be a healthy relationship between different people within the higher education space. Quality Assurance therefore establishes this trust and thus improves the good functioning of Governance within universities. However, it is important to note that trust cannot be acquired and that Universities must constantly look for satisfy their customers, especially in the context of the globalization of education enshrined in the General Accord of Traide of Service (GATS). Our present article therefore aims to understand the contribution of Quality Assurance to better establish Governance in universities. This means that with globalization, Universities around the world, like those in Cameroon, are called upon to excel to better meet the demands of the international education market. This excellence can be seen in the performance of universities which emanate from the quality of governance, the quality of training services, and the quality of research in these university institutions. It is therefore a beneficial process of continuous improvement in which educational and psychometric indicators play the role of benchmarks to support Universities towards excellence. Clearly, the three dimensions of higher education: training, research and university governance, must be imbued with quality. Today, we note the relationship of distrust, suspicion and unfair competition within universities because trust is non-existent between the stakeholders. Using ameliorative theory and exploratory analysis, we will show that trust with the ISO 9000 family can be seen through the implementation of the quality policy and quality management. By relying on the European space and the African higher education space, we will show that quality is fundamental in the efficient, effective and relevant functioning of Universities.



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