Published June 3, 2024
| Version v1
Journal article
Temperature Dependence Of The Breeding Parametres Of The Collared Flycatcher (Passeriformes, Muscicapidae) In The National Park Homilshanski Lisy (Ne Ukraine)
- 1. V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Svobody Square, 4, Kharkiv, 61022 Ukraine; & National Park 'Homilshanski Lisy', Monastyrska St., 27, Koropove, Kharkiv Region, 63437 Ukraine & National Park 'Slobozhanskyi', Zarichna St., 15 a, Krasnokutsk, Kharkiv Region, 62002 Ukraine *Corresponding author
- 2. V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Svobody Square, 4, Kharkiv, 61022 Ukraine;
Atemasov, A. A., Atemasova, T. A. (2024): Temperature Dependence Of The Breeding Parametres Of The Collared Flycatcher (Passeriformes, Muscicapidae) In The National Park Homilshanski Lisy (Ne Ukraine). Zoodiversity 58 (2): 151-162, DOI: 10.15407/zoo2024.02.151, URL:
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