There is a newer version of the record available.

Published January 10, 2018 | Version 0.4.1
Software Open

Dioptas/Dioptas: Dioptas 0.4.1

  • 1. Universität zu Köln
  • 2. GSECARS University of Chicago
  • 3. ESRF
  • 4. University of Chicago
  • 5. Columbia University/Brookhaven National Lab


New features:

  • easier step selection for pressure, temperature in the phases widget and scaling and offset in the overlay widget, the steps are now selected by a spinbox which behaves more or less logarithmically (0.1, 1, 5, 10, 50, 100 etc.)
  • the solid angle correction can now be switched off and on (please see the X-tab in the Integration View)
Bug fixes:
  • Overlays overlays are now recovered in order when opening a previously saved project with more than 10 overlays
  • cif and jcpds now als can handle trigonal symmetry (not only hexagonal)
  • auto zoom for cakes works now correctly when browsing through several files
  • entering numbers with a "," as a decimal separator works now correctly
  • loading new files with automatic background subtraction enabled will now correctly keep the x limits constant



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