Comparison of Serum Visfatin Level in Normal Weight,Overweight and Obese Individuals
- 1. Senior Resident, Department of Biochemistry, MKCG MCH, Berhampur, Odisha, India
- 2. Professor & Head, Department of Biochemistry, SRM MCH, Odisha, India
- 3. Professor & Head, Department of Biochemistry, MKCG MCH, Berhampur, Odisha, India
- 4. Senior Resident, Department of Biochemistry, MKCG MCH, Odisha, India
- 5. Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, MKCG MCH, Berhampur, Odisha, India
- 6. Post Graduate Trainee, Department of Biochemistry, MKCG MCH, Berhampur, Odisha, India
Introduction: Adipose Tissue Is Not Only The Storehouse Of Fats And Energy But Also A Major Endocrine Organ Secreting Adipocytokines. Adipocytokines Play An Important Role In Regulation Of Food Intake & Body Weight, Insulin Sensitivity,Inflammation And Vascular Haemostasis. Visfatin Is A Novel Adipokine (52kda) Predominantly Secreted From Visceral Fat. It Shows Insulin-Mimetic Effects Which Correlate With Overweight & Obesity.Our Aim Is To Compare Serum Visfatin Level In Normal Weight,Overweight &Obese Individuals. Materials & Methods: This Is A Cross-Sectional Comparative Study Of Total 162 Adults Between Age Group Of 20-60yrs Including Both The Sexes. All The Individuals Are Divided Into 3 Groups With 54 Subjects Each As Per Bmi. 3ml Of Whole Blood Is Collected With Informed Consent From All Individuals.Serum Visfatin Level Is Analyzed By Elisa. All Data Are Presented As Mean (M)& Standard Deviation (±Sd).Statistical Analysis To Be Done Using Spss Version 20. The Values Are Considered Significant At P <0.05. Results: Fasting Serum Visfatin Level Is Increased In Overweight (100.8+29.9pg/Ml) & Obese Individuals (129.1+21.4 Pg/ Ml) As Compared To Normal Weight Subjects (82.4+26.5pg/ Ml) Which Is Statistically Significant (P<0.012). Conclusion: Serum Visfatin Is Elevated In Overweight & Obese Individuals Compared To Normal Individuals.The Significant Increase Level Of Visfatin In Obese May Be Used As A Diagnostic And Prognostic Biomarker For Insulin Resistance And Metabolic Syndrome.
Abstract (English)
Introduction: Adipose Tissue Is Not Only The Storehouse Of Fats And Energy But Also A Major Endocrine Organ Secreting Adipocytokines. Adipocytokines Play An Important Role In Regulation Of Food Intake & Body Weight, Insulin Sensitivity,Inflammation And Vascular Haemostasis. Visfatin Is A Novel Adipokine (52kda) Predominantly Secreted From Visceral Fat. It Shows Insulin-Mimetic Effects Which Correlate With Overweight & Obesity.Our Aim Is To Compare Serum Visfatin Level In Normal Weight,Overweight &Obese Individuals. Materials & Methods: This Is A Cross-Sectional Comparative Study Of Total 162 Adults Between Age Group Of 20-60yrs Including Both The Sexes. All The Individuals Are Divided Into 3 Groups With 54 Subjects Each As Per Bmi. 3ml Of Whole Blood Is Collected With Informed Consent From All Individuals.Serum Visfatin Level Is Analyzed By Elisa. All Data Are Presented As Mean (M)& Standard Deviation (±Sd).Statistical Analysis To Be Done Using Spss Version 20. The Values Are Considered Significant At P <0.05. Results: Fasting Serum Visfatin Level Is Increased In Overweight (100.8+29.9pg/Ml) & Obese Individuals (129.1+21.4 Pg/ Ml) As Compared To Normal Weight Subjects (82.4+26.5pg/ Ml) Which Is Statistically Significant (P<0.012). Conclusion: Serum Visfatin Is Elevated In Overweight & Obese Individuals Compared To Normal Individuals.The Significant Increase Level Of Visfatin In Obese May Be Used As A Diagnostic And Prognostic Biomarker For Insulin Resistance And Metabolic Syndrome.
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