Instruks Dataset - A dataset of Clinical Guidelines in Denmark
Dataset of Clinical Guidelines used by Danish municipalities, collected in 2023 under permission of Region Syddanmark, Midtjylland, Nordjylland, Sjælland and Hovedstaden.
The zip file ClinicalGuidelines.raw contains the following folders:
HTML_RegionHovedstaden: Clinical Guidelines used in the capital region (Hovedstaden)
HTML_RegionMidt: Clinical Guidelines used in the region of Midtjylland,
HTML_RegionNord: Clinical Guidelines used in the region of Nordjylland
HTML_RegionSjælland: Clinical Guidelines used in the region of Sjælland,
HTML_RegionSyd: Clinical Guidelines used in the Syddanmark region.
The dataset has been collected with the consent of each of the areas. The dataset contains HTML files (that have been sanitized in follow-up versions of the datasets).
The dataset is the accompanying material for the paper "Automating Pathway Extraction from Clinical Guidelines: A Conceptual Model, Datasets and Initial Experiments" by Daniel Grathwol, Han van der Aa, and Hugo A. López. To appear in the 30th International Conference on Cooperative Information Systems.