Published December 28, 2015 | Version v1
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Molecular characteristics of representatives of the genus Brachylecithum Shtrom, 1940 (Digenea, Dicrocoeliidae) with comments on life cycle and host specificity


Hildebrand, Joanna, Sitko, Jilji, Zaleśny, Grzegorz, Jeżewski, Witold, Laskowski, Zdzisław (2016): Molecular characteristics of representatives of the genus Brachylecithum Shtrom, 1940 (Digenea, Dicrocoeliidae) with comments on life cycle and host specificity. Parasitology Research (1417) 115 (4): 1417-1425, DOI: 10.1007/s00436-015-4875-3, URL:



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