Published April 2, 2010 | Version v1
Figure Open

Figure 1. PERSIA Humanoid Robot in Robocup IranOpen2010 Competition-Design and Implementation of an Autonomous Humanoid Robot Based on Fuzzy Rule-Based Motion Controller

  • 1. Islamic Azad University – Khorasgan Branch, Young Researchers Club, Isfahan, Iran


In this paper, we will at first describe the general hardware design of the PERSIA Humanoid
Robocup Team, (section 2) and after that focus on our scientific approaches in sensor fusion and
learning (section 3). Finally, section 4 concludes this paper. This document describes the current
state of the project as well as the intended development for the RoboCup 2010 competition.



PERSIA Humanoid Robot in Robocup IranOpen2010 Competition .jpg

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