Published July 9, 2019 | Version v1
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Hesperioidea And Papilionoidea (Lepidoptera) Of Coniferous Forests From The Nature Reserve Botchinskii

  • 1. Botchinskiy State Natural Reserve, 28B Sovetskaya Str., Sovetskaya Gavan, Khabarovskii Krai, 682800, Russia


Dubatolov, V. V., Kostomarova, I. V. (2019): Hesperioidea And Papilionoidea (Lepidoptera) Of Coniferous Forests From The Nature Reserve Botchinskii. Amurian Zoological Journal XI (1): 48-71, DOI: 10.33910/1999-4079-2019-11-1-48-71, URL:



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