Published December 31, 2005 | Version v1
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Apodemus speciosus Temminck 1844


Apodemus speciosus Temminck 1844

Apodemus speciosus Temminck 1844, in: Siebold, Temminck, and Schlegel, Fauna Japonica, Arnz et Socii, Lugduni Batavorum: 52.

Type Locality: Japan.

Vernacular Names: Large Japanese Field Mouse.

Synonyms: Apodemus ainu (Thomas 1906); Apodemus dorsalis Kuroda 1924; Apodemus insperatus Kuroda 1938; Apodemus miyakensis Imaizumi 1969; Apodemus navigator (Thomas 1906); Apodemus sadoensis Tokuda 1939; Apodemus sadoensis Tokuda 1941; Apodemus tusimaensis Tokuda 1939; Apodemus tusimaensis Tokuda 1941.

Distribution: Endemic to Japan (Dobson, 1994); found on the four larger islands (Hokkaido, Honshu, Shikoku, and Kyushu) and some smaller islands, but south only to Yakushima (Corbet, 1978 c; Abe and Ishii, 1987; Kaneko, 1994; Tsuchiya, 1974).

Conservation: IUCN – Lower Risk (lc).

Discussion: Apodemus group. Usually included in subgenus Alsomys (e.g., Pavlinov et al., 1995 a) but placed in subgenus Apodemus by Pavlinov and Rossolimo (1987) and Mezhzherin and Zykov (1991); considered a member of an Apodemus Group by Musser et al. (1996), which is consistent with analyses of allozymic data and mtDNA cytochrome b and nuclear DNA sequences (Chelomina, 1998; Chelomina et al., 1998 b; Liu et al., 2004; Mezhzherin, 1997 a; Serizawa et al., 2000; Suzuki et al., 2003). Phylogenetic analyses of mtDNA cytochrome b and nuclear IRBP sequences identified A. speciosus as an independent lineage within a radiation that includes the separate lineage of A. peninsulae, the A. agrarius-A. chevrieri clade, and A. draco-A. semotus-A. latronum cluster; this radiation is separate from those two producing the Nepalese A. gurkha and Japanese A. argenteus (Suzuki et al., 2003; also see Liu et al., 2004). Sympatric with A. peninsulae on Hokkaido. Geographic variation extensively analyzed by Imaizumi (1962). Some of the synonyms (ainu, navigator, and miyakensis) have been listed as separate species (Vorontsov et al., 1977 a; also see discussion in Corbet, 1978 c), but we follow Corbet (1978 c) who included them in a single species. This action was also reflected by Tsuchiya (1974), who divided the names into two groups of A. speciosus based on biochemical and chromosomal evidence. Saitoh et al. (1989) provided additional biochemical information in context of systematic comparisons among Japanese Apodemus. Evolution of restriction sites of ribosomal DNA in natural populations reported by Suzuki et al. (1994 b). Inter- and intraspecific patterns of morphological variation in sympatric A. speciosus and A. argenteus and its importance in insular isolation and biogeographic gradients reported by Renaud and Millien (2001). Analysis of the cranial and mandibular skeletal and myological morphology associated with incisal biting and mastication reported by Satoh (1997, 1998, 1999) and contrasted with the arvicoline Myodes rufocanus. Significance of lower incisor shape and size related to ecological and taxonomic inquiries investigated by Millien-Parra (2000 a). Adaptive latitudinal trends in mandible shape contrasted with A. sylvaticus and A. argenteus. Reviewed by Kawamura (1989, 1991, 1994), Kaneko (1994), Musser et al., (1996), and partially by Mezhzherin (1997 a). Catalog of specimens in National Science Museum, Tokyo, provided by Endo et al. (2002).

Fossils extend the history of A. speciosus in Japan back to the middle Pleistocene and Kawamura (1989:57) noted that "the temporal morphological changes since the middle Pleistocene are generally slight." Citation for the original description is usually cited as 1845, but was published in 1844; see Holthuis and Sakai (1970).


Published as part of Wilson, Don E. & Reeder, DeeAnn, 2005, Order Rodentia - Family Muridae, pp. 1189-1531 in Mammal Species of the World: a Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3 rd Edition), Volume 2, Baltimore :The Johns Hopkins University Press on page 1274, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7316535


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Apodemus speciosus Temminck, 1844 sec. Wilson & Reeder, 2005


  • Kuroda, N. 1924. [On new mammals from the Riu Kiu Islands and the vicinity.] Published by the author, Tokyo, 16 pp.
  • Kuroda, N. 1938. A list of the Japanese mammals. Privately published, Tokyo, 122 pp.
  • Tokuda, M. 1941. A revised monograph of the Japanese and Manchou-Korean Muridae. Transaction of the Biogeographical Society of Japan, 4: 1 - 155.
  • Dobson, M. 1994. Patterns of distribution in Japanese land mammals. Mammal Review, 24 (3): 91 - 111.
  • Corbet, G. B. 1978 c. The mammals of the Palaearctic region: A taxonomic review. British Museum (Natural History), London, 314 pp.
  • Abe, H., and N. Ishii. 1987. Mammals of Tsushima Island. A natural resource exploration report of Tsushima Island. Nature of Tsushima Island (Nagasaki Prefecture, 1987): 79 - 109.
  • Kaneko, Y. 1994. [Muridae.] Pp. 90 - 110 and 168 - 183, in A pictorial guide to the mammals of Japan (H. Abe, N. Ishii, Y. Kaneko, K. Maeda, S. Miura, and M. Yoneda, eds.). Tokai University Publication, Tokyo, 195 pp. (In Japanese).
  • Tsuchiya, K. 1974. Cytological and biochemical studies of Apodemus speciosus group in Japan. Journal of the Mammalogical Society of Japan, 6: 67 - 87.
  • Pavlinov, I. Ya, E. L. Yakhontov, and A. K. Agadzhanyan. 1995 a. [Mammals of Eurasia. I. Rodentia. Taxonomic and geographic guide.] Archives of the Zoological Museum, Moscow State University, 32: 289 pp. (in Russian).
  • Pavlinov, I. Ya., and O. L. Rossolimo. 1987. Sistematika mlekopitayushchikh SSSR [Systematics of the mammals of the USSR.]. Moscow University Press, Moscow, 282 pp. (in Russian).
  • Mezhzherin, S. V., and A. E. Zykov. 1991. Genetic divergence and allozyme variability in mice of genus Apodemus s. lato (Muridae, Rodentia). Cytology and Genetics, 25: 51 - 59.
  • Musser, G. G., E. M. Brothers, M. D. Carleton, and R. Hutterer. 1996. Taxonomy and distributional records of Oriental and European Apodemus, with a review of the Apodemus-Sylvaemus problem. Bonner Zoologische Beitrage, 46 (1 - 4): 143 - 190.
  • Chelomina, G. N., H. Suzuki, K. Tsuchiya, K. Moriwaki, E. A. Lyapunova, and N. N. Vorontsov. 1998 b. [Sequencing of the mtDNA cytochrome b gene and reconstruction of the maternal relationships of wood and field mice of the genus Apodemus (Muridae, Rodentia).] Genetica, 34 (5): 650 - 661 (in Russian with English abstract).
  • Liu, X., F. Wei, M. Li, X. Jiang, Z. Feng, and J. Hu. 2004. Molecular phylogeny and taxonomy of wood mice (genus Apodemus Kaup, 1829) based on complete mtDNA cytochrome b sequences, with emphasis on Chinese species. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution, 33: 1 - 15.
  • Mezhzherin, S. V. 1997 a. [Revision of mouse genus Apodemus (Rodentia, Muridae) of northern Eurasia.] Vestnik Zoologii, 31 (4): 29 - 41 (in Russian with English summary).
  • Serizawa, K., H. Suzuki, and K. Tsuchiya. 2000. A phylogenetic view on species radiation in Apodemus inferred from variation of nuclear and mitochondrial genes. Biochemical Genetics, 38 (1 / 2): 27 - 40.
  • Suzuki, H., J. J. Sato, K. Tsuchiya, J. Luo, Y. - P. Zhang, Y. - X. Wang, and X. - L. Jiang. 2003. Molecular phylogeny of wood mice (Apodemus, Muridae) in East Asia. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 80: 469 - 481.
  • Imaizumi, Y. 1962. On the species formation of the Apodemus speciosus group, with special reference to the importance of relative values in classification. Part. I. Bulletin of the National Science Museum (Tokyo), 49: 163 - 259.
  • Vorontsov, N. N., T. S. Bekasova, B. Kral, K. V. Korobitsina, and E. Yu. Ivanitskaya. 1977 a. [On specific status of Asian wood mice of the genus Apodemus (Rodentia, Muridae) from Siberia and the Far East.] Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 56: 437 - 449 (in Russian).
  • Saitoh, M., N. Matsuoka, and Y. Obara. 1989. Biochemical systematics of three species of the Japanese long-tailed field mice; Apodemus speciosus, A. giliacus, and A. argenteus. Zoological Science, 6: 1005 - 1018.
  • Suzuki, H., K. Tsuchiya, M. Sakaizumi, S. Wakana, and S. Sakurai. 1994 b. Evolution of restriction sites of ribosomal DNA in natural populations of the field mouse, Apodemus speciosus. Journal of Molecular Evolution, 38: 107 - 112.
  • Renaud, S., and V. Millien. 2001. Intra- and interspecific morphological variation in the field mouse species Apodemus argenteus and A. speciosus in the Japanese archipelago: The role of insular isolation and biogeographic gradients. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 74: 557 - 569.
  • Satoh, K. 1997. Comparative functional morphology of mandibular forward movement during mastication of two murid rodents, Apodemus speciosus (Murinae) and Clethrionomys rufocanus (Arvicolinae). Journal of Morphology, 231: 131 - 142.
  • Satoh, K. 1998. Balancing function of the masticatory muscles during incisal biting in two murid rodents, Apodemus speciosus and Clethrionomys rufocanus. Journal of Morphology, 236: 49 - 56.
  • Satoh, K. 1999. Mechanical advantage of area of origin for the external pterygoid muscle in two murid rodents, Apodemus speciosus and Clethrionomys rufocanus. Journal of Morphology, 240: 1 - 14.
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  • Endo, H., A. Hayashida, and T. Ogoh. 2002. Catalogue of Apodemus specimens. National Science Museum, Tokyo, 235 pp.
  • Holthuis, L. B., and T. Sakai. 1970. Ph. F. von Siebold and Fauna Japonica: A history of early Japanese zoology. Academic Press of Japan, Tokyo, 323 pp.