Lycalopex Burmeister 1854
Lycalopex Burmeister 1854
Lycalopex Burmeister 1854, Systematische Uebersicht der Thiere Brasiliens: 95-101.
Type Species: Canis magellanicus Gray 1847
Synonyms: Angusticeps Hilzheimer 1906; Eunothocyon J. A. Allen 1905; Lupulus Trouessart 1897; Microcyon Trouessart 1906; Nothocyon Wortman and Matthew 1899; Pseudalopex Burmeister 1856; Pseudolopex Philippi 1903; Pseudolycos Philippi 1903; Thous Gray 1869; Viverriceps Hilzheimer 1906.
Species and subspecies: 6 species with 11 subspecies:
Species Lycalopex culpaeus (Molina 1782)
Subspecies Lycalopex culpaeus subsp. culpaeus Molina 1782
Subspecies Lycalopex culpaeus subsp. andinus Thomas 1914
Subspecies Lycalopex culpaeus subsp. lycoides Philippi 1896
Subspecies Lycalopex culpaeus subsp. magellanicus Gray 1837
Subspecies Lycalopex culpaeus subsp. reissii Hilzheimer 1906
Subspecies Lycalopex culpaeus subsp. smithersi Thomas 1914
Species Lycalopex fulvipes (Martin 1837)
Species Lycalopex griseus (Gray 1837)
Species Lycalopex gymnocercus (G. Fischer 1814)
Subspecies Lycalopex gymnocercus subsp. gymnocercus G. Fischer 1814
Subspecies Lycalopex gymnocercus subsp. antiquus Ameghino 1889
Subspecies Lycalopex gymnocercus subsp. domeykoanus Philippi 1901
Subspecies Lycalopex gymnocercus subsp. gracilis Burmeister 1861
Subspecies Lycalopex gymnocercus subsp. maullinicus Philippi 1903
Species Lycalopex sechurae Thomas 1900
Species Lycalopex vetulus (Lund 1842)
Discussion: Revised by Zunino et al. (1995). Also see comments under Dusicyon. Although combining taxa included here with Dusicyon would not be in conflict with Berta (1987, 1988), her analyses suggested that other genera, now extinct, are more closely related to Dusicyon. Berta (1987, 1988) presented derived features that would support a single origin for those taxa recognized here in Lycalopex (= Pseudalopex), which would also agree with Cabrera (1957) and Stains (1975). A detailed comparative morphological study by Langguth (1969) caused him to conclude (1975) that Pseudalopex (= Lycalopex) merited generic rank. Synonyms allocated according to Zunino et al. (1995). Tedford et al. (1995) considered Lycalopex as recognized here as paraphyletic and proposed a different arrangement of South American canids according to the following monophyletic groups: (1) L. vetulus + Chrysocyon + Cerdocyon + Nyctereutes + Speothos + Atelocynus; (2) L. culpaeus + Dusicyon; (3) L. griseus + L. gymnocercus + L. sechurae.
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- Book chapter: 10.5281/zenodo.7316519 (DOI)
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- Family
- Canidae
- Genus
- Lycalopex
- Kingdom
- Animalia
- Order
- Carnivora
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- Chordata
- Scientific name authorship
- Burmeister
- Taxon rank
- genus
- Taxonomic concept label
- Lycalopex Burmeister, 1854 sec. Wilson & Reeder, 2005
- Allen, J. A. 1905. The Mammalia of southern Patagonia. Reports of the Princeton University Expedition to Patagonia, 1896 - 1899, 3 (Zool): 1 - 210.
- Trouessart, E. L. 1897 - 1905. Catalogus mammalium tam viventium quam fossilium. Quinquennale supplementum anno 1904. [Tomus 1 - 1897; Tomus 2 - 1898; Quinquennale supplementum, fascic. 1 & 2 - 1904; fascic. 3 & 4 -- 1905]. R. Friedlander and Sohn, Berlin, 1 & 2: 1469 pp.; Quin supp: 929 pp.
- Gray, J. E. 1869. Catalogue of carnivorous, pachydermatous and edentate mammals in the British Museum. British Museum (Natural History) Publications, London, 398 pp.
- Molina, G. I. 1782. Saggio sulla storia naturale del Chili. Stamperia di S. Tommaso d'Aquino, Bologna.
- Gray, J. E. 1837 [1838]. On a new species of paradoxure (Paradoxurus derbianus) with remarks on some Mammalia recently purchased by the British Museum, and characters of the new species. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1837: 67.
- Ameghino, F. 1889. Contribucion al conocimiento de los mamiferos fosiles del la Republica Argentina. Actas de la Academia Nacional de Ciencias, 6: 1027 pp.
- Zunino, G. E., O. B. Vaccaro, M. Canevari, and A. L. Gardner. 1995. Taxonomy of the genus Lycalopex (Carnivora: Canidae) in Argentina. Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington, 108: 729 - 747.
- Berta, A. 1987. Origin, diversification, and zoogeography of the South American Canidae. Pp. 455 - 471, in Studies in Neotropical Mammalogy: Essays in honor of Philip Hershkovitz (B. D. Patterson and R. M. Timm, eds.). Fieldiana: Zoology, n. s., 39 (1382): 1 - 506.
- Berta, A. 1988. Quaternary evolution and biogeography of the large South American Canidae (Mammalia: Carnivora). University of California Publications, Geological Sciences, 132: 1 - 149.
- Cabrera, A. 1957 [1958] - 1961. Catalogo de los mamiferos de America del Sur. Revista del Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales " Bernardino Rivadavia ". Ciencias Zoologicas, 4 (1): iv + 308 pp. [1958]; 4 (2): v-xxii + 309 - 732 [1961].
- Stains, H. J. 1975. Distribution and taxonomy of the Canidae, Pp. 3 - 26, in The wild canids: Their systematics, behavorial ecology and evolution (M. W. Fox, ed.). Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, New York, NY, 508 pp.
- Langguth, A. 1969. Die sudamerikanischen Canidae unter besonderer Bercksichtigung des Mohnenwolfes, Chrysocyon brachyurus Illiger. Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftliche Zoologie, 179: 1 - 188.
- Tedford, R. H., B. E. Taylor, and X. Wang. 1995. Phylogeny of the Caninae (Carnivora: Canidae): The living taxa. American Museum Novitates, 3146: 1 - 37.