Published May 24, 2024
| Version v1
The global biophysical potential for mangrove restoration dataset
Worthington, Thomas1
- Walton, Rowana2, 3
zu Ermgassen, Philine S.E.4
Friess, Daniel A.5
Murray, Nicholas J.6
- Cormier, Nicole7
Lovelock, Catherine8
Adame, Maria Fernanda9
- Balmford, Andrew10
Bhomia, Rupesh Kumar11
Blanco-Libreros, Juan F.12
- Bourgeois, Carine F.13
Buelow, Christina A.9
Bunting, Pete14
- Canty, Steven W.J.15
Dahdouh-Guebas, Farid16, 17
- Datta, Debajit18
- Duncan, Clare19
Fatoyinbo, Lola20
Hagger, Valerie21
- Hengl, Tomislav22
Hilarides, Lammert23
Hoyos-Santillan, Jorge24, 25, 26
Jayakody, Sevvandi27
- Krauss, Ken W.28
- Lagomasino, David29
Lee, Shing Yip30, 31
Lin, Guanghui32, 33
Longley-Wood, Kate34
- Lucas, Richard35
Maxwell, Tania L.2, 36
MacKenzie, Richard37
- Narayan, Siddharth38
- Naser, Humood Abdulla39
- Parente, Leandro L.22
Pranchai, Aor40
Rajkaran, Anusha41
- Rodríguez-Rodríguez, J. Alexandra42
Rovai, Andre43, 44
- Saunders, Megan I.45
- Sharma, Sahadev46
- Sidik, Frida47
Sievers, Michael9
- Smart, Lindsey S.48
Sutherland, William2
Ulumuddin, Yaya Ihya47
- Wodehouse, Dominic49
Spalding, Mark50, 2
- 1. Conservation Science Group, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK
- 2. Conservation Science Group, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge; Cambridge, UK
- 3. UN Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre; Cambridge, UK.
- 4. Changing Oceans Group, School of Geosciences, University of Edinburgh; Edinburgh, UK
- 5. Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Tulane University; New Orleans, USA
- 6. College of Science and Engineering, James Cook University; Townsville, Australia.
- 7. School of Natural Sciences, Macquarie University; Sydney, Australia
- 8. School of Biological Sciences, The University of Queensland; St Lucia, Australia
- 9. Coastal and Marine Research Centre, Australian Rivers Institute, School of Environment and Science, Griffith University; Australia
- 10. Conservation Science Group, Department of Zoology, University of Cambridge; Cambridge, UK.
- 11. Center for International Forestry Research (CIFOR), International Centre for Research in Agroforestry (ICRAF); Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- 12. Institute of Biology, Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences, Universidad de Antioquia; Medellín, Colombia
- 13. Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, Pacific Southwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service; Hilo, USA
- 14. Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, Aberystwyth University; Aberystwyth, UK.
- 15. Smithsonian Environmental Research Center; Edgewater, USA
- 16. Systems Ecology and Resource Management Research Unit (SERM), Department of Organism Biology, Université Libre de Bruxelles – ULB; Brussels, Belgium
- 17. Ecology & Biodiversity, Laboratory of Plant Biology and Nature Management, Biology Department, Vrije Universiteit Brussel – VUB; Brussels, Belgium
- 18. Department of Geography, Faculty of Science, Jadavpur University; Kolkata, India
- 19. Institute of Zoology, Zoological Society of London; London, UK
- 20. Biospheric Sciences Laboratory, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; Greenbelt, USA.
- 21. School of Biological Sciences, The University of Queensland; St Lucia, Australia.
- 22. OpenGeoHub Foundation; Wageningen, the Netherlands
- 23. Wetlands International; Ede, the Netherlands
- 24. Environmental Biogeochemistry Laboratory, Antarctic Research Center (CIGA), University of Magallanes; Punta Arenas, Chile
- 25. Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute; Balboa, República de Panamá
- 26. Audubon Americas; Washington DC, USA
- 27. Department of Aquaculture and Fisheries, Faculty of Livestock, Fisheries and Nutrition, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka; Kuliyapitiya, Sri Lanka.
- 28. U.S. Geological Survey, Wetland and Aquatic Research Center; Lafayette, USA
- 29. Department of Coastal Studies, Integrated Coastal Programs, East Carolina University; Greenville, USA.
- 30. Coastal and Marine Research Centre, Australian Rivers Institute, School of Environment and Science, Griffith University; Australia.
- 31. Simon F. S. Li Marine Science Laboratory, The Chinese University of Hong Kong; Hong Kong, China.
- 32. Hainan International Blue Carbon Research Center; Haikou, China
- 33. Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University; Beijing, China
- 34. The Nature Conservancy; Boston, USA.
- 35. Department of Geography and Earth Sciences, Aberystwyth University; Aberystwyth, UK
- 36. Biodiversity, Ecology and Conservation Research Group, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA); Laxenburg, Austria
- 37. Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, Pacific Southwest Research Station, USDA Forest Service; Hilo, USA.
- 38. Department of Coastal Studies, Integrated Coastal Programs, East Carolina University; Greenville, USA
- 39. Department of Biology, College of Science, University of Bahrain; Sakhir, Bahrain
- 40. Department of Silviculture, Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University; Bangkok, Thailand
- 41. Department of Biodiversity and Conservation Biology, University of the Western Cape; Cape Town, South Africa
- 42. Marine Environmental Quality Research Program, Marine and Coastal Research Institute "Jose Benito Vives de Andreis" – Invemar; Santa Marta, Colombia
- 43. U.S. Army Engineer Reserach and Development Center; Vicksburg, USA
- 44. Department of Oceanography and Coastal Sciences, Louisiana State University; Baton Rouge, USA
- 45. Commonwealth Scientific Industrial Research Organisation; Hobart, Australia
- 46. Institute of Ocean and Earth Sciences, University of Malaya; Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
- 47. Research Center for Oceanography, National Research and Innovation Agency; Jakarta, Indonesia
- 48. The Nature Conservancy; Arlington, USA
- 49. Mangrove Action Project; Seattle, USA
- 50. The Nature Conservancy; Siena, Italy
This dataset is the restoration potential area estimates, restoration potential index scores and ecosystem service values (carbon and fisheries) to accompany the paper "The global biophysical potential for mangrove restoration" - Worthington et al. (In Review).
Description of files
R Scripts & Data
- This folder contain several R scripts and datafiles used to calculate the values in Worthington et al. (In Review)
- This folder contains a shapefile that is the spatial framework of the research. Full details of the mangrove typology can be found at A global biophysical typology of mangroves version 3.
- The data in 'Data Exports' can be joined to the mangrove spatial typology shapefile using the 'ID' column.
Data Exports
- This folder contains several data exports that summarise the data behind Worthington et al., (In Review)
- Unit_Area_Data.csv: This spreadsheet has area statistic data for each of the 3983 mangrove typological units.
- Restoration_Index_Data.csv: This spreadsheet has the restoration potential index data for each of the 3983 mangrove typological units.
- Fisheries_Benefits_Data.csv: 3) Fisheries_Benefits_Data.csv: This spreadsheet has the potential additional individuals of 37 mangrove-affiliated marine fish and invertebrate species of commercial importance whose populations are estimated to increase with mangrove restoration.
- AGB_Carbon_Benefits_Data.csv: This spreadsheet has the potential secured and restored aboveground biomass (AGB) carbon stock (MgC) over a 40-year time horizon from restoration of mangroves.
- SOC_Carbon_Benefits_Data.csv: his spreadsheet has the potential secured and restored soil carbon stock (MgC, top 1 m) over a 40-year time horizon from restoration of mangroves
- Country_Statistics.csv: This spreadsheet summarises the restoration, fisheries and carbon benefits at the national level.