Published May 22, 2024 | Version v1
Dataset Open

Input files for elPaSo for the paper: Efficient Solution Strategies for Cabin Noise Assessment of wave-resolving Aircraft Fuselage Models

  • 1. TU Braunschweig, Institute for Acoustics and Dynamics


This dataset showcases the input and output data for the paper: "Efficient Solution Strategies for Cabin Noise Assessment of wave-resolving Aircraft Fuselage Models".
The model data are made available in the folder "models" and contain the three models corresponding to the frequency-dependent mesh of the aircraft fuselage model.
Three frequency-dependent meshes are placed in subfolders, where the number indicates up to which frequency in Hz the respective model can be used. Here, the ".cub5" files are the mesh files created by the meshing tool Coreform Cubit. For the application of the FEM elPaSo is used. Here, the ".hdf5" files serve as the elPaSo input.
Once computed, the results are written in the "eGenOutput*.hdf5" files. The results for the degrees of freedom across the frequency domain can be found here.


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