There is a newer version of the record available.

Published May 21, 2024 | Version REL-2.7.0
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  • Added: New <tags> tag, which includes the <tag> tag to write a description for each tag specified in the input file.
  • Added: New command jube tag to print out the tag description of a given input file or benchmark directory.
  • Added: A new operator ^ (exclusive disjunction (xor)) for the tag attribute and <check_tags>.
  • Added: New primekey attribute for the key-tag of the database to define whether this key is a primary key of the database or not. Can be set to true or false (default: false).
  • Added: New environment variable JUBE_VERBOSE to set the verbosity level.
  • Added: Warning when the current verbosity level from the command line or environment variable is out of range.
  • Added: New environment variable JUBE_BENCHMARK_OUTPATH to set the benchmark outpath.
  • Added: New command line option --outpath of jube run to specify the benchmark outpath.
  • Changed: The jube info command now also shows information about all sets, steps, analyser and result from the configuration.xml.
  • Changed: The outpath attribute of the <benchmark> tag no longer needs to be specified in the input file if either the command line option --outpath is set or the new environment variable JUBE_BENCHMARK_OUTPATH is used. The command line option overrides the environment variable, which in turn overrides the attribute in the input file.
  • Changed: The modified convert type warning is only logged to the analyse.log file and no longer printed to the console output.
  • Changed: If the title attribute of a <database> <key> is set, then this title is used as the name of the database column instead of the parameter or pattern name.
  • Changed: The <check_tags> tag is now a subelement of the new <tags> tag.
  • Changed: Changed the name of the source directory from jube2 to jube and adapted the code to the name change. The links to the documentation on the websites have also been adjusted accordingly.
  • Deprecated: The primekeys attribute of the <database> is no longer supported. Use the new primekey attribute of the <database> <key> instead.
  • Deprecated: <check_tags> will no longer be supported on a global level. Instead, it should be specified in the <tags> tag.
  • Removed: Comma character (,) is no longer supported in <check_tags> and the tag attribute. Instead use |, ^ + and !.
  • Fixed: Allow YAML scripts to include a list of nested parametersets with !include.
  • Fixed: Allow YAML scripts to use the tag attribute in the <path> of the <include-path>-tag.


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